Current Projects

Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Sustainable Communities & Crowdfunding Education Support
The project aims to promote civic engagement within communities and create a sense of shared responsibility toward achieving sustainable development goals. The project is structured around three thematic pillars: (1) Sustainability, 2) Civic Action, 3) Crowdfunding.
The project aims to raise awareness and promote sustainability within communities, while focusing on empowering communities to take an active role in achieving sustainability goals, and promote the responsible use of civic crowdfunding.
In SU-CCES! three core activities are planned: A literature review with focus interviews on the role of civic crowdfunding in social engagement; 2) the development of pedagogical tools i.e., the creation of educational materials, training programs, and gamification and 3) the implementation of the training programs and pedagogical tools, which involves testing and implementing the developed tools and programs in real-world settings (PreCamps and BondCamp).
The project will is lead by the IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences in Austria, and be conducted in collaboration with a cross-disciplinary team from the University of Agder's School of Business and Law (Norway), University of Gdansk (Poland), Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania), BISER Baltic Institute of Regional and Economic Affairs (Poland), and the IED Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece).

The Research Council of Norway
Grant: RCN 301291
Crowdfunding in the Culture Sector: Adoption, Effects and Implications
The study aims at: analysing the determinants of crowdfunding adoption by artists; analysing crowdfunding’s short- and longterm effects on artists’ economy, reputation and aesthetic practices; and analysing the implications of crowdfunding at a sector level focusing on both traditional funding mechanisms and artists’ aesthetic practices in general.
The current project builds and extends the earlier project while addressing important questions about crowdfunding in the culture sector. As such, the study examines the potential impacts of a wider scope of variables in a wider scope of target audiences.
The study will be conducted by a cross-disciplinary team of four researchers from the following Norwegian research institutions: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, (project leader), University of Agder's School of Business and Law, University of South-Eastern Norway, with support of experts from the University of Barcelona (Spain), and the University of Creative Arts (UK).
Center Projects
Factors influencing Success in Equity Crowdfunding in Norway
Lead: Prof. Rotem Shneor
The study examines the factors impacting equity crowdfunding campaign success in Norway. Norway represents a unique context with an underdeveloped venture capital market, where crowdfunding may fill funding gaps through a relatively young industry that has only taken up since 2018.
Factors influencing serial funding behavior in reward crowdfunding
Lead: Prof. Kalanit Efrat
The study examines the factors impacting serial funding behavior based on data collected from users of HeadStart, Israel's lading reward crowdfunding platform. Data is used for both identification of different profiles of serial backers, as well as the testing of competing theories in explaining such behavior.
Crowdfunding Awareness and its Drivers
Lead: Prof. Rotem Shneor
The study aims to study the degree of crowdfunding awareness in different societies and the factors that impact its levels. Data is based on surveys collected in multiple countires, with specific focus on emerging and developing economies.
Cross Cultural Study of Success Factors in Reward Crowdfunding Campaigns
Lead:Prof. Rotem Shneor
The study aims to study to what extent do success drivers of reward crowdfunding campaigns are different or similar in national platforms operating in differing cultural contexts along the Social Trust and Individualism continuum. Data has been collected in China, Finland, Ghana, Israel, and Poland.
Perceptions of Ethics in Crowdfunding: Analyses of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies
Lead: Prof. Rotem Shneor
The study examines perceptions of different stakeholders (fundraisers and funders) about the level of ethical practices and challenges in crowdfunding. It identifies relevant ethical dilemmas, assess its prevalence, as well as the strategies used to mitigate related pitfalls.
Impacts of Crowdfunding Education
Lead: Prof. Rotem Shneor
The study examines the effects of participating in a crowdfunding-dedicated educational program and short and long-term likelihood of engagement in crowdfunding in terms of own fundraising efforts, supporting others' campaigns, and encouraging others to use crowdfunding. In addition, we also explore how such an educational experience may change students' attitudes, self-efficacy, social norms perceptions, as well as intentions to engage in crowdfunding behavior.
What Drivers Crowdfunding-Friendliness of Nations?
Lead: Prof. Rotem Shneor
Study examining macro-level data while building on institutional theory for explaining what makes some countries more crowdfunding friendly than others. Here, the purpose is to surface macro-level conditions more conducive to crowdfunding market development, as well as identifying inhibitors to such development in a context of national entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Are Crowdfunding Platforms Serving as Online Communities?
Lead: Prof. Rotem Shneor
The study aims to capture user sentiments about the extent to which the view crowdfunding platforms as online communities, highlighting the extent to which they do and don't, while suggesting ways in which such alliance of purposes may meet and diverge.